Monday, 18 November 2013

"Stable Relationships are for Horses."

I love sayings, like this one — “Calm waters never did a skillful sailor make.”

Or — “There is no way to be a writer and be comfortable.”   Eva Sallis.

There’s reassurance in them there sayings.
Although I did once tell a friend that "Stable Relationships are for Horses"  and who then went on to marry a jockey, only to divorce him six months later. Can't win 'em all.
Anyway, if  you have a favourite saying?  Hand it over!

Thursday, 14 November 2013


One of the best jobs I’ve ever had was at Hayman Island, Queensland in 1979. I worked in the resort’s laundry for three months. The boss was a woman called Birdie. And she looked like a bird, even sounded like one, sweet and melodious. Birdie never “bossed” us girls as we sweated away in that Dickensian laundry in paradise. She showed, suggested, and sighed softly when we girls dropped wet sheets in the sand surrounding the washing lines.
Birdie carried not an ounce of fat; she was all wrinkled flesh and withered bone. But Birdie had the most remarkable eyes. They were brown and outsized within her small frame. Yet they reflected a depth of tenderness of which I have rarely seen since in another human being.

Monday, 11 November 2013


The tea lady is about to throw her annual "overdue" afternoon tea party.  This marathon tea drinking event is an amnesty for all those slow coaches who’ve borrowed books off the writer and won’t return them until they’re given a virtual kick up the backside.
Each year the tea lady threatens to introduce cash fines for overdue books, each year the writer comes up with excuses, “It’s not that unusual for someone to take three years to read a book.”
Each year the tea lady fumes. “Cash fines! Cash fines! Cash fines!”
Each year the writer loans out more books.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

 I've recently released my latest novel which you can download from amazon for $7.99.

Sea Dog Hotel

It's also on goodreads.