Saturday, 25 May 2013

Punching above our Weight

Currently, when it comes to literary prowess West Australian is truly punching above its weight. Not only does our State have to bankroll the rest of the country it is now providing all the best literature! 
Recent great reads which confirm this are – Red Dirt Talking by Jacqueline Wright. Harmless by Julienne Van Loon. If I Should Lose You by Natasha Lester.  Antidote to Murder by Felicity Young and The Avenue of Eternal Tranquility by K. Overman-Edmiston.
Other novels by West Australian authors garnering acclaim are - Elsewhere in Success by Iris Lavell. Letters to the End of Love by Yvette Walker. Fractured by Dawn Barker  and Finding Jasper by Lynne Leonhardt.
And these are just some of the novelists and their work, haven’t even mentioned the poets yet.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Marlish. Barbara from The Lane bookshop did a short spiel on ABC radio today about Harmless. It sounds like a terrific read, and will definitely be added to my TBR pile.
