Friday, 28 October 2011

What do we read and why?

My son collects and reads more Stephen King novels than anyone I know. My estimate is that he has all 500, and counting, of Stephen King's books. Our son tells us he'd like to write horror, especially given that living with his folks has given him mountains of fodder. I tell him that we can always make things more "horrific" for him.
I guess my own personal favourite Stephen King novel is The Shinning.
Does anyone else out there love reading horror, or do you feel like you're surrounded by enough horror in everyday life? Given our pace of life, and all the problems we seem to be inundated with what do you read to escape from it all? What do we read? And why?


  1. No I am not a fan of Stephen King, but I do love Lee Child’s hero, Jack Reacher. I read Worth Dying For, yesterday. Picked the book up with my first coffee of the day, forfeited the gym, had brekkie in bed, reading all the time. After washing me and the bed linen, I retired to my reading chair in the sunny corner and finished the book. I was exhausted when Jack climbed out of the car and started hitch hiking a ride to Virginia.

    I love reading a book cover to cover in a day. It’s better than the going to the movies, better than a ride on the merry go round and infinitely better than a date with Mr Right although Mr Wrong would be more exciting. Yesterday, Jack Reacher was enough for me.

  2. Dear Mrs Kate I forgive you for not being in love with Stephen King because you are a woman with her priorities straight - spending a day in bed reading albeit with Jack Reacher is admirable. And I do suspect that it is better than going to the movies or a ride on the merry go round or as in my case going to the zoo and standing and staring at the meerkats in their ant hillly enclosure all day.
    As for Jack Reacher’s creator Lee Childs I’m afraid I wouldn’t know the man if I fell over him. So it’s off to the Book Exchange for me tomorrow to buy a Lee Childs Book.
    Mrs Kate, thank-you for your frank and engaging response which has been duly noted and filed. I do look forward to more commentary from you.

  3. Stephen King? No me neither but I can't remember ever having read anything by him so I am in the dark. Why do I read? For me it is definitely time out from the real world. I guess that can be called escapism, but that could be said of all other forms of distraction as well. All I know is that giving time to read is one of the most delicious treats I can give myself.

  4. Hi Anita, so glad you made it to my blog, which I've neglected of late. Sorry. And I agree with you about reading being time out from the real world. Reality can be pretty tiresome. But also reading books can often act as a conduit for our thoughts, or take us to places we'd never normally go.
